Conf proposal about "ODK for spatial data" @ FOSS4G (Paris, May 2018)

Good morning to all,

The FOSS4G-FR will take place in Paris (Marne la Vallée) on May :

ODK become a more and ore usefull tool to collect basic spatial data (I mean without any topology check like in a real big GIS tool)

@Remy_CLEMENT, @pailletm and other french "Geo" users of ODK, what do you think about a conference proposal (25 min.) ?
At least 3 themes fit the use we make of ODK :

  • FOSS4G for NGOs and/or humanitarian projects
  • Crowd mapping projects, OpenData & OpenDataSet
  • New features for existing FOSS4G applications

We could present what ODK can do for us and what it will soon do. And show how easy it is to fill pre-existing database (ie PostGIS)


So I did it !

I have had 20 minutes to present why we use ODK to collect geo-data. I had some questions about the material we use (phone vs. tablet), concurrency in edition (not concerned), the forthcoming course we'll give in Montpellier, the GPS accuracy (person looking for a submetric android GPS/phone).
So I can tell that ODK create a lot of interest and questions becaus of its simplicity to deploy, create forms, consolidate and manage collected datas.
Thanks a lot to the community and long live to ODK :wink:


Belle réussite @mathieubossaert! Les photos sont magnifiques. J'apprécie particulièrement ce message:

Ma mission de géomaticien
Permettre à mes collègues naturalistes de
passer le plus de temps possible sur le
terrain, pendant cette période contrainte
plutôt qu’en captivité derrière l’ordinateur

Très cool aussi de voir le super plugin de @Enrico_Ferreguti.

Well done, @mathieubossaert! The photos are beautiful. I particularly appreciate this message:

My mission as a GIS specialist:
Allow my naturalist colleagues to
spend as much time as possible in
the field, during a limited study time,
rather than stuck behind a computer.

Also very cool to see a shoutout to @Enrico_Ferreguti's super plugin.

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