Hyperlink to open external app

Hi Yanokwa,

I just want to know that either i can gave Mobile App link (open specific mobile app) when click on the hyperlink?


I'm not sure what you mean. Can you describe the scenario in greater detail?

Thanks Yanokwa,

Now,when we click on Hyperlink button,it's redirect to our given website,i wanted either it's possible gave path of my mobile app (let's say Gmail app),when i click on Hyperlink button,it's open Gmail app.


Hi @tasadduq786,

Have you read Launching External Apps ? Check it out it.

For the specific case of opening up an email client like Gmail, here's a sample form that does that.


Can you share any example how i can use it because i am not a developer.

Will be very grateful to you.

Have you looked closely at the sample form provide by Yaw? It is very detailed.

What the app that you are trying to open?

My Finger Print App.

Is it in playstore or some where else? Can you share the link?