Let’s Encrypt certificate renewal

Hello everyone!
Six months ago I installed ODK Central following the instructions to deploy a docklet in Digital Ocean. I followed exactly the documentation. I received a notice about the expiration of the Let's Encrypt certificate. How can I renew it?
Please, do you have links and suggestions?

As you can understand from my request, I'm not an expert. I'd like to thank the community for the valuable work they're doing!

This person posted something similar: Renew ssl certificate
And I've logged an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/opendatakit/central/issues/126

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@lsnmst What version of Central are you using? You can find out by going to the server.url/version.txt. For example, https://sandbox.central.opendatakit.org/version.txt

720e9a8127b38ca7b22aca407c9023473302e741 client (v0.5.0-beta.0)
5f09e065d1ab2d20a726ff6be525f92b94668de7 server (v0.5.0-beta.0)

This issue is likely because you are using an old version of Central that has an old version of LetsEncrypt.

Upgrade to the latest version of Central (currently v0.7.0). See https://docs.opendatakit.org/central-upgrade for instructions.

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Hi @yanokwa,

Same issue here - received the encrypt certificate expiration notice for the domain. I had already upgraded to Central v.07 before. Tried to upgrade again, just in any case, however, the Digital Ocean consol shows the image below, thus unable to perform the activity.

Note that I have increased the SSD of the droplet, as the previous was full. Now unable to reach the server even when entering the IP address. Also beginner here - sorry if these questions are too simplistic.

It looks like something has gone wrong with your server's DNS or firewall settings. Either that or GitHub has somehow been blocked. I'd reboot the machine and if that doesn't work, talk to Digital Ocean support.

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