Hi.! I've been offline for some days but unfortunately am back and found the new version of ODK has been released that is v1.17.2. For sure I can't explain how happy I'm after realizing that we can now use ODK in our local language (Swahili)

in which I was among the contributors in ODK translation as well as the reviewer of the translations during ODK Sprint in FOSS4G 2018 which took place in Dar es salaam Tanzania :tanzania: at DLABs.

On the same day we manage to translate more than 200 string out of 600 with diffrent contributors from different organizations, students and other members who attended the sprint. It was agood start since with Ramani huria (Flood resilience project by HOT-Tanzania Funded by World Bank ) with intern from University of Dar es salaam we managed to accomplish all remaining string.We had another day for reviewing the string.

One of the contributor doing translation. _Photo by @gkassano HOT_Tanzania _

@Iddy_Chazua was among the trainee to the new users of ODK. _Photo by @gkassano HOT_Tanzania _

Group photo during ODK Spring. _Photo by @gkassano HOT_Tanzania _

For sure this will add more users since there those who could not use it due to the language barrier but since it is also in Swahili then people will be able to use it easily As well as saving time..

Few months ago we had a project known as Min Grid Rural Electrification project under Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team (HOT) in which we went around all regions in Tanzania in the rural areas to collect data. The activity was bit complicated since we use to recruit local people and train them so that they can collect data in their communities. The motto of organization is “Local people, local Devices Open Knowledge”, we are working with local people from the community, using their own smartphones and give them knowledge on different tools like OpenDataKit for data collection.

Since ODK was in English it was difficult for the users and the only thing that we were doing is to make them memorize what we told them. It consumed much time for them to be familiar with the survey.

But with new version of ODK everything is resolved.

Much thanks to @Iddy_Chazua, @zestyping and @Ivangayton

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