ODK2Doc: Convert ODK forms to word documents

Dear all,

I'm putting together a list of error reports and upcoming changes that have come to my attention from this forum and other sources.

  1. Issue: some question types don't show

  2. Solution: add all possible question types

  3. Issue: Very long option lists for select_one

  4. Solution: add a max number to display and then add for eg: [and n more options]

  5. Issue: numeric codes not showing next to label

  6. Solution: not sure since it shows for me - has anyone else experienced this issue?

Pushing a V2 release next week. Thanks for awesome feedback and help testing this out!


Hi @zaeendesouza kudos for this nice tool, however I have a quick comments.

  • If it is works for you, sharing the repo link for community members to chip in and provide further contributions and hints would be great.

  • another comment is, adding the flexibility for users to select the labels based on the language preference from their form would be advantageous.


Thank you for the new contribution to ODK ecosystem! Just in case you are not aware, there are also some similar open source ODK tools out there used to similarly convert ODK forms to more printable PDF and DOC formats: https://github.com/pmaengineering/ppp. [I dont know to what extent this project is still being actively worked on, but I recall it is something that @aurdipas presented a while back, so he may know latest. I've no affiliation, just thought it might be of interest to this audience].


Dear all,

If anyone is willing to put the app through some tests (@janna , if it's not too much to ask! hehe), let me know?

I have updated it with the following:

  1. Section Titles and Names
  2. Missing questions now appear

I have not managed to do the following yet:

  1. Coloring the section titles/group rows
  2. Shortening the very long lists

If anyone is interested in helping out writing some code for these^ two things, dm me or just take it from github and we can update it via there.


To convert to pdf and choose as well languages to show.
2 options:

  1. Data Manager with detailed info about fields
  2. Interviewer: for training

Skip logics are human-readable.


I get Server error when i try to access the link by aurdipas

@alios82 it should be up now

Hi @aurdipas I think this is down again.

Wondering if you are planning on opening the source code for this? Would be great to be able to self-host!

@chrissyhroberts this is hosted here

The code is fully open source https://github.com/SwissTPH/Pureser


Amazing, thanks @aurdipas