Platform Type

Hi every one.
I need to help about ODK collect app.
There are tree options in General setting>Server>Type that are ODK aggregate, Google sheet and Other. I want to remove Google sheet and Other options from Type menu. In other hand i want to server type be ODK aggregate just and unchangeable.

Is it Possible?

Hi @Ali

you can go to Admin Settings -> User Settings and unselect Server. Then those options will be unavailable for users that don't have an access to Admin Settings.

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Thanks @Grzesiek2010 for your response.
Great, It's work. but really I want to release an app without Admin Setting entirely and specified username, password and ODK aggregate URL.
I want that users don't be able to change Platform Type. In other hand don't appear Google sheet and Other options.

Then you need to fork our original repository, implement required changes and use your own fork instead because we don't provide such an option.

I know that. But i don't Know wht's required changes!

As @Grzesiek2010 indicates, it sounds like you are going to want a custom ODK Collect build. This realistically requires a level of ODK development expertise. I might suggest posting something to Marketplace looking for a contract developer to implement the required changes work and build you a custom version of the Collect app; its really not something you can learn and get an answer for via a Forum posting.

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