Possible bug in ODK Briefcase v1.12.2

Using the command line interface to ODK Briefcase v1.12.2

If I try to pull to a fresh directory, then I get an error that the form doesn't exist

Error: Form with formId CRF100 not found 

if I use the java app and do a pull, it creates all the folder structures in my 'xmls' folder and subsequent pulls with CLI work.

In short, the CLI appears to be only able to pull to an ODK Storage directory if it has been prepopulated with folders by the java app.

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Thanks for reporting this, @chrissyhroberts. I'll take a look

Hi @chrissyhroberts!

I haven't been able to reproduce this issue. This is what I've done:

  • Ensure that /home/guillermo/cocotero doesn't exist with rm -rf /home/guillermo/cocotero
  • Run Briefcase v1.12.2 with the command: java -jar briefcase.jar -sd /home/guillermo/cocotero --pull_aggregate -url http://aggregate-gigi.appspot.com -p aggregate -u administrator -id dates-sandbox

I get this output:

The directory /home/guillermo/cocotero/ODK Briefcase Storage doesn't exist. Creating it
Start pull form Dates sandbox
Fetching form definition
resolving against briefcase form definitions

I've also tried to do a pull & export in one command (since I know your scripts use that). Running this command also works: -jar briefcase.jar -sd /home/guillermo/cocotero --pull_aggregate -url http://aggregate-gigi.appspot.com -p aggregate -u administrator -id dates-sandbox -e -f dates-sandbox.csv -ed /tmp

The directory /home/guillermo/cocotero/ODK Briefcase Storage doesn't exist. Creating it
Start pull form Dates sandbox
Fetching form definition
resolving against briefcase form definitions
Exporting form Dates sandbox (dates-sandbox) to: /tmp
Export has started
Exported 100% of the submissions
Export has ended
Exported 1 submission

In both cases I get no error. Maybe you're doing something different?

Hi again,
Thanks for looking in to this and confirming not a systematic bug. As with so many things, moving to a fresh download directory seemed to fix this, but I guess it doesn't answer why I'd see it in the first place. Perhaps we should put this one down to the mysteries!

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Kobo server reporting 404 not found

It happened to me trying to push a form to aggregate server, had to make the directory first in "/ODK Briefcase Storage/forms" and copy the xml; fortunately, you don't need to abandon the command line for this