Selecting active user in arbitrary query

I have a table with records owned by various users, all with Default Access of FULL. I need list views where I can specify the order of records, so I created a custom screen with 3 buttons - 1 for incomplete records owned by the current user, 1 for incomplete records owned by other users, and 1 for complete records owned by the current user. Right now all incomplete records show up on the second button, even those owned by the current user (I don’t have any complete records to test the third button yet). This is the function for the first button:
odkTables.openTableToMapViewArbitraryQuery(null, ‘orders’,
‘select * from orders where “_ROW_OWNER” = ? and “_SAVEPOINT_TYPE” = ? order by “PRIORITY” desc, “LOCATION”’,
[‘username:’ + odkCommon.getActiveUser(), ‘INCOMPLETE’], ‘config/tables/orders/html/orders_list.html’);
This is the function for the second button:
odkTables.openTableToMapViewArbitraryQuery(null, ‘orders’,
‘select * from orders where “_ROW_OWNER” <> ? and “_SAVEPOINT_TYPE” = ? order by “PRIORITY” desc, “LOCATION”’,
[‘username:’ + odkCommon.getActiveUser(), ‘INCOMPLETE’], ‘config/tables/orders/html/orders_list.html’);

Do I have something wrong in how I am specifying the current user as the owner?


The queries look fine. If the first one works, the second one should work as well. Are the queries shown here the exact lines used? The problem could also be somewhere else in the code.