Unable to upload excel with XLSForm

What is the problem? Please be detailed.

I designed a form in excel using XLSForm syntaxis and could not upload it into ODK aggregate

What ODK tool and version are you using? And on what device and operating system version?

Add New Form
ODK aggregate 1.4.15
WIndows 7

What steps can we take to reproduce the problem?

Check the message I got:

Error: Problem with JavaRosa Parsing Form: org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKIncompleteSubmissionData: org.javarosa.xform.parse.XFormParseException: XML Syntax Error at Line: 1, Column: 622!
What you have you tried to fix the problem?

Anything else we should know or have? If you have a test form or screenshots or logs, attach here.

I used web site examples of XLSForm to test the Adsd Nwe FOrm tool and could not upload the file. Same message problem was gotten.

Hi Mario,

You need to convert the form into XML format before you can upload it to the Aggregate. Please follow this link to convert your form and for further guidelines read this guideline.


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Hey! A.N.M_AL-IMRAN ... Great. Never expected so quick turnaround to my
question. This is excelent support.

I will try it as you recommended.
I am using ODK for the first time and the ODK Forum seems really five-star
Please keep the really outstanding job.

I will let you how it worked.

Best regards,


Mario Martinez
Economista, Consultor Independiente
PRIDE Consulting Associate, Promoting Real Impact for Development
San Salvador, El Salvador
Skype: marmartinez.r


Thanks. I would suggest you to follow the ODK website as a reference guideline and watch the videos in it as a startup guideline. For help with XLSForm please follow this link.

Since you are new to the community, when you get a chance, please Introduce yourself here!.



Hi Mario!

i've a bit problem to convert my data to xlsform, heres the notification ive got "The survey sheet is either empty or missing important column headers."

Could you give me a hint for whats wrong with it?

Best regard's

Thank you

@Mochamad_Rifky could you please share your excel file and explain detail what you are trying to achieve? If it is xls form development problem then you can go through the document.

I have the same problem @Mochamad_Rifky I cant seem to find any missing sheets or column headers.


Hi @ODKnewbie
Do you get the same error?
What version do you use? Could you attach your form?

Hi @Grzesiek2010

When I try to convert to XLSForm I get the following messages:

ODK XLSForm Offline Errors:
There should be a choices sheet in this xlsform. Please ensure that the choices sheet name is all in small caps and has columns 'list name', 'name', and 'label' (or aliased column names).

ODK XLSForm Offline Errors:
There does not seem to be a allow_choice_duplicates column header defined in your settings sheet. You must have set allow_choice_duplicates setting in your settings sheet to have duplicate choice list names in your choices sheet

I'm using v2.0.3 of ODK aggregate and v1.11.0 of XLSForm Converter in Google chrome.

Due to confidentiality, I'm unable to share my form, but I wondered if there are some common culprits for this error message?


Seems as if it's the same issue Error: 'Allow_choice_duplicates'
Please take look at this answer: Error: 'Allow_choice_duplicates' - #8 by yanokwa