Filtering Answer for Question 2 with Answer for multiple choice question 1

What is the problem? Please be detailed.
I have to design a form
The first question will be a multiselect choise base on a csv file
The csv file is named person.csv
The title line is

The 2nd question is base on csv file is named prestation.csv
The title line is

My 2nd multiple choice depend on the first choice. One numero could have 1 or more adresse
I want to select one or more adresse fir which numero was selected on first question
How should i do that ?

Nb : numero_key is a unique identifier in person.csv

I try to understand how to put the label ans the value using for each question

On survey page i have

|type |name|label|appearance|
|select_multiple qui |personne|Select owners |search('person')
|select_multiple ou |lieux|Select house |search('prestation')

On choice page i have

list_name | name | label
qui |numero_key | proprietaire,type
ou | numero |adresse,disponible

I didnt understand how to display only specific adresse and not all adresse

Could any one help me ?

Hi Fabienne,

Just checking, do both questions have to be select_multiple, and not select_one? So in both cases it has to be possible to select more than one answering option at the same time?

I'm asking because I could solve your problem if the first question was select_one, but now that it is select_multiple this makes it a bit more complicated.

The issue is that the first question must be a multiselect choice

I'm not sure there is an implementation in such a case



Hi Fabienne,

I don't see an easy solution but there may be a complicated one. You could also consider breaking up the first question so it can be select_one. For example first ask for the first "numero", then the second, third, etc. Or make it a repeat group if there is no maximum. This is a bit hard for me to assess because I don't know what kind of data you are working with and what your goals are.

It may help if you could upload example files (the survey file with the two relevant questions and two csv's) with some imaginary data, for me to get a better idea of what it looks like.