Troubleshooting: Get blank form > Error Getting Form List

I'm attempting to download my first blank form in ODK collect on a Samsung Galaxy S6 from 2017 (device is updated) having set up aggregate through digital ocean. I've entered the server information and entered the username and password but get the following error:

Error Getting Form List

Form listing failed. Parsing failed with Failed to connect to while accessing

I've reinstalled the app, restarted the phone, created a new user and password in aggregate and entered this new user information under server in general settings in ODK Collect. I've retyped the URL and double checked that there are no spelling mistakes etc. The phone is connected to wifi and my URL can be accessed from Chrome in the phones browser.

Any ideas?

I'm new to ODK and have been promising myself to start using it for a long time. I've been assisting a local NGO in Liberia as I've been posted there from Copenhagen for a period. I'm keen to share the world of open source with them as they rely on proprietary software.

Your service seems to be running on port 8080 without SSL. Try putting this URL in the app, and you will see the form list:

Hi Saad. Thanks for engaging. Can you teach me how I identify what port I am running on? I tried that but it didn't work. Now I get:

Error Getting Form List

Form listing failed. Parsing failed with Failed to connect to while accessing

I guess I need the correct port number but I can't recall what this was when I set it up. It was a couple of weeks ago and I was distracted on another project.

Remove the S from URL. It is http://, not https://

That was it. Eagle eye Saad! Thank you.
Although now, when I click 'get selected' for the test survey form I get the error:

Download Results
My survey (ID: P3CL Boundary_TEST) - Connection refused.

Your server is behind some firewall or proxy, and you are probably running a more complex network where ODK is not on the front-end server mapped to the domain I can advise you to simplify your network, else you will keep resolving your issues all the time. Put the ODK server on the front-end with direct public IP access. Once you get it working perfectly fine, you can then move it behind network layers and keep checking routing.

This is what I get when I try to pull your form:

Hi Saad,

Thanks for trying to download my form and for the trouble shooting.

I'll have to look at what I did to understand what you are saying; I followed instructions on the ODK website to set aggregate up using Digital Ocean. How do I put that on the front end and what is front end? lol, you can see I'm in over my depth here.

I think the issue has less to do with ODK configuration and perhaps more to do with your network configuration. I am not sure how Digital Ocean setup works.